Sample Queries
Sample Scenarios
Queries solving scenarios are provided in the section below
Ex. Finding the number of patients in the database that have the condition of “Acute renal failure on dialysis”, a serious kidney malfunction that causes the patient to rely on a special machine to remove waste from the blood. 2. Count number of patients of certain diseases 3. Demographic Analysis: Running queries to retrieve demographic information of patients.
Ex. Find the age, gender, or other distribution of patients with a specific disease. 4. Medication Usage: Identifying the number of patients who have been prescribed to medication in the past 3 months. This might be useful for assessing the usage rates of different drugs. 5. Clinical Outcomes Analysis: Determining number of patients and their status prescribed by certain medication.
Queries with scenarios
- Scenario 1
PREFIX fhir: <> SELECT ?display ?code ?system (count(?patient) AS ?totalPatients) WHERE { ?condition a fhir:Condition; fhir:Condition.subject [fhir:link ?patient]; fhir:Condition.code[ fhir:CodeableConcept.coding[ fhir:Coding.code[fhir:value ?code]; fhir:Coding.system[fhir:value ?system]; fhir:Coding.display[fhir:value ?display] ] ]. FILTER(regex(?display, ".*renal.*", "i")) FILTER (str(?system) = 'SNOMED' ) } GROUP BY ?display ?code ?system |
SELECT cp.concept_code AS code, cp.concept_id, cp.vocabulary_id AS system, cp.concept_name AS display, COUNT(DISTINCT co.person_id) AS patient_count FROM condition_occurrence co JOIN concept cp ON co.condition_concept_id = cp.concept_id WHERE cp.concept_name ILIKE '%renal%' AND cp.vocabulary_id = 'SNOMED' GROUP BY cp.concept_name, cp.concept_id |
- Scenario 2
PREFIX fhir: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?code ?system ?display (count(?patient) as ?count) WHERE { ?condition a fhir:Condition ; fhir:Condition.subject ?patient ; fhir:Condition.code [ fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [ fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value ?code ] ; fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value ?system ] ; fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value ?display ] ] ] . FILTER(regex(?display, ".*acute renal failure.*", "i")) FILTER (str(?system) = 'SNOMED') } GROUP BY ?code ?system ?display ORDER BY ?count |
SELECT cp.concept_code AS code, cp.concept_id, cp.vocabulary_id AS system, cp.concept_name AS display, COUNT(DISTINCT co.person_id) AS patient_count FROM omop.condition_occurrence co JOIN omop.concept cp ON co.condition_concept_id = cp.concept_id WHERE cp.concept_name ILIKE '%acute renal failure%' AND cp.vocabulary_id = 'SNOMED' GROUP BY cp.concept_name, cp.concept_id ORDER BY patient_count ASC |
- Scenario 3
PREFIX fhir: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?condition ?code ?system ?display ?patient ?gender ?birthdate WHERE { ?condition a fhir:Condition ; fhir:Condition.code ?codeResource . ?codeResource fhir:CodeableConcept.coding ?coding . ?coding fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value ?code ] ; fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value ?system] ; fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value ?display ] . ?condition fhir:Condition.subject [fhir:link ?patient]. ?patient fhir:Patient.gender [ fhir:value ?gender ] ; fhir:Patient.birthDate [ fhir:value ?birthdate ] . FILTER(regex(?display, ".*acute.*", "i")) } |
SELECT c.condition_occurrence_id AS condition, cpt.concept_id AS code, cpt.concept_name AS condition_name, cpt.vocabulary_id AS display, p.person_id AS patient, p.gender_source_value AS gender, p.birth_datetime AS birthdate FROM omop.condition_occurrence AS c JOIN omop.concept AS cpt ON c.condition_concept_id = cpt.concept_id JOIN omop.person AS p ON c.person_id = p.person_id WHERE LOWER (cpt.concept_name) LIKE '%acute%' |
- Scenario 4
PREFIX fhir: <> SELECT * WHERE { ?medicationStatement a fhir:MedicationStatement ; fhir:MedicationStatement.status [ fhir:value ?status ] ; fhir:MedicationStatement.subject [ fhir:link ?patient ] ; fhir:MedicationStatement.medicationCodeableConcept [ fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [ fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value ?code ] ; fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value ?medication ] ] ] . OPTIONAL{?medicationStatement fhir:MedicationStatement.effectiveDateTime [fhir:value ?prescribedTime].} OPTIONAL{?medicationStatement fhir:MedicationStatement.effectivePeriod [fhir:value ?effectivePeriod].} FILTER (?prescribedTime > "2149-12-20T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime) } LIMIT 100 |
SELECT drug_exposure_id, person_id, concept_code, concept_name AS medication, drug_exposure_start_datetime as pescribed_time FROM omop.drug_exposure AS de JOIN omop.concept AS cpt ON de.drug_concept_id = cpt.concept_id WHERE drug_exposure_start_datetime > '2149-12-20' LIMIT 100 |
- Scenario 5
PREFIX fhir: <> SELECT ?medicationID ?medication ?observationStatus (COUNT(?patient) AS ?count) WHERE { ?observation a fhir:Observation; fhir:Observation.status [fhir:value ?observationStatus]; fhir:Observation.subject [fhir:link ?patient]; fhir:Observation.effectiveDateTime [fhir:value ?time]. ?medicationStatement a fhir:MedicationStatement; fhir:MedicationStatement.subject [fhir:link ?patient]; fhir:MedicationStatement.medicationCodeableConcept[ fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [ fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value ?medication ]; fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value ?medicationID ] ] ]. FILTER (regex(?medicationID, ".*288.*", "i")) } GROUP BY ?observationStatus ?medicationID ?medication |
SELECT concept_code AS medicationID, concept_name AS medication, count(de.drug_exposure_id)AS patient_count FROM omop.concept cpt JOIN omop.drug_exposure de ON de.drug_concept_id = cpt.concept_id JOIN omop.person p ON de.person_id = p.person_id WHERE concept_code LIKE '%288%' GROUP BY concept_code, concept_name |
Important Syntaxes Used
In the development of queries to address various challenges, certain key syntaxes play a crucial role. Among
them, FILTER
, and GROUP BY
are instrumental for effective data
extraction and analysis.
keyword is versatile, allowing the filtering of query results based on specific
conditions or constraints. It can be used in conjunction with comparisons, regular expressions, logical
operators, and functions, providing a wide range of options for refining query results.
is used to specify optional patterns within a query. Patterns defined under
might not find a match in the data, enabling queries to return results even if certain
optional patterns do not match.
This syntax is particularly useful when some data might be missing or unavailable, ensuring that the query still
retrieves other relevant information.
Similarly, GROUP BY
functions in SPARQL as it does in SQL. It groups query results based on one
or more variables, facilitating data aggregation and enabling various calculations or operations on grouped data